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Forum PAC - What is assessed in an essay?

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Forum PAC => Esempio di forum => What is assessed in an essay?




PoppyJones (Invitato)
28/12/2021 17:08 (UTC)[citare]
The ability to articulate your thoughts correctly and write without mistakes is, of course, a good thing. Moreover, it is a matter of course. Maybe the employer will let one or two mistakes pass by, but a text written without any Word check will not characterize you in the best way.

Is legit? Form and style for essays are rather secondary. Yes, the employer may like creativity. But if the text contains only elementary truths, your efforts will be wasted.

The content is the main thing. Your ideas, thoughts, emotions - that's what interests the reader. That's what you write an essay for.

The essay describes you, your personality, your skills, your temperament and character. Accurate handwriting (if you submit your work in writing), absence of mistakes, perfect style will characterize you as a responsible, diligent person. Unusual form shows your creativity. Clear structure and consistent thought will indicate rationality, ability to concentrate and logic. Finally, a grain of negativity will tell the employer about your honesty and courage.


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